Mabel Pines

Hi! Last night I was busy making the third journal from Gravity Falls for my dolls! For those of you who don’t know, Gravity Falls is a TV show that I just love. So here’s some pictures of Hazel dressed up as Mabel.






<via      via^

Here is what Mabel actually looks like and above is the journal.



And to end with a quote from Mabel: “I’ll be there with you, brother. Whatever happens, I’ll be right here, supporting you every step of the–OH MY GOSH A PIG!!!!!

Would you like to see a tutorial on how to make it?

Have a great day.  🙂


Around The Web

Hey! Today I just have a bunch of links to posts that I thought were really good in these past few weeks. Please note that none of these photos are my own.

Journal of Two Dolls has a beautiful photo shoot with Caroline (one of my favorite dolls that I never got).

Jacob Riis Park, May 2016

Super Inky has a really sweet photo story with stunning photography.

At Buzz About AG you can find an amazing photo shoot with a very pretty dress and a great song.


In Treasured Friendship With a Flair  you see a gorgeous outfit that just looks great on Samantha.

So go check those out. 🙂


P.S I’m participating in Loren’s new doll camp. So from August 15 – 20 I will have a bunch of crafts and other stuff up for you. 😀

P.P.S  Rutvi’s created The Blogger’s Fantasy Notebook: Writing Challenge which you should totally go sign up for.

The Final CWWC!!!

Notice the three exclamation points after the title. They’re there because I am using 25 prompts for this. I’m sweating just thinking about writing this. Just kidding. XD But seriously read this if you have about an hour to kill and a really good interpreter of what this story actually means. XD



It was an ordinary afternoon. Well ordinary for me anyway. For you writing your first novel while your dragon friend watches you may seem anything but normal. But for me, Sarah Faith, it is perfectly regular.

You see I began writing my story down last year when I had to leave my home for the very first time in my life. It was also the last time I would see my home. I hugged my brother goodbye in the dead of night. The day before though had been a terribly emotional day because I knew it was the last day I would be on earth. I sat in my school desk for hours after the final bell rang. No one stopped me. They just let me sit and think. Before long I was completely engulfed in my thoughts, but my brother rescued me out of them and brought me home for the last time.

My sisters were sitting on the stairs waiting for me. They had lonesome looks on their faces, but none of them said a word. One by one they all gave me a hug and then slowly I picked up the mirror. You see mirrors are passages to fantastic worlds guarded by creatures called The Ferrymen. If the Ferryman inside the mirror allows you you can pass through to the next world.

In a matter of seconds a Ferrymans face appeared. He had a long nose and grey looking skin.

“Hello. I’m Dawn. And you are…” He said sounding quite annoyed.

“Sarah Faith.”

“State your reason for wanting to enter the land of the Faeries.”

“I…uh… It’s sort of private.” I stammered. I should of expected them to ask this, but I had no response prepared.

I can’t help you.” He said rudely. Then the mirror went black. I called out his name in the silence. Like he would actually hear, like he would actually care. 

My only chance of traveling to the world was gone. It seemed all hope was lost, but suddenly another face flickered onto the mirror. She had shimmering blue eyes and silky looking hair and  in her hands shone tiny glowing butterflies. A faerie. A real life faerie. My mouth opened in surprise and then I was sucked into the mirror.

I landed a second later, after feeling like all of my body had been torn apart and then resembled, with a loud thump right in the middle of a stream. All my clothes were sopping wet and my hair felt heavy and disgusting.  

But I needed to hurry. Follow the stream they told me. I could worry about the beautiful Faerie girl and why she brought me here later. Step after step my legs became more and more tired, but I had to get to the lake of stars. That’s where I needed to go to find my friends.

Not all haunted places are houses, you know. That’s what I told myself as I walked through the forest filled with thick trees. I swore I saw smoky white figures walking around when it got dark. But I just kept walking. My clothes eventually dried, but the longer I walked the more hungry I got. Slowly fatigue was pulling me down. I needed rest. I need a place to stay. Finally after hours of walking I found an empty village. It was like a ghost town. I saw no one. But I need a place to stay and this was my best bet. So I found a small house and slid open the door, reviling lock after lock broken open. What it said on the back of the door left me puzzled. Scratched in the rotting wood was: The worlds not safe anymore. 

After a few deep breaths I continued into the house. In the tiny kitchen I found cans of soup and opened them gratefully. I dared not look at the expiration date. It filled my empty stomach and that’s all that mattered. Slowly I wandered the house the next morning after I’d slept on the bare floor. All I found in the empty bedroom was a box. Bad memories. Do not open. It said.. I couldn’t help myself. I opened it. I mean as soon as someone says don’t do something it’s almost impossible not to do it.

Inside were a stack of letters and old black and white photographs. One photo was of a girl with fire in her hand she looked happy and seemed to be dancing in the dark.  I found an old worn out newspaper clipping. It was all about how a little girl had gone missing in the forest. A shiver ran up my spine. Next I took a look at one of the letters. All it said was:

No one comes back after they stray past the border. What lies beyond is unknown. It is cunning. It is brave, it’s brutal, it’s relentless, and it’s hunting us. You have been warned 

I ran out of the house after that. Running away from the dead village. Whatever happened there was bad and I wanted to be as far away from it as possible. What I didn’t know was someone was watching me the entire time. They were dressed entirely in black and had a long bow ready to fire. They even watched me open the forbidden box.

But I kept running oblivious to everything around me. I ran through a grave yard with train tracks underneath my feet and watched a married couple weep over a grave that was marked with disturbing words. The grave read: here lies a man who was not of this earth. I ran harder my lantern and hair swinging wildly.

But eventually after a week of hard days and dark nights I came to where I need to be the shimmering lake of stars and in it’s shinning waters stood my friends. I tried to run out to them, but every time I moved closer they seemed to move farther away. As I kept moving their white dresses became more and more wet. The didn’t look at me. They didn’t see me. It was like they were in another world. Soon they were almost completely underwater and if I moved any closer they might drown. Slowly I started to cry. What else could I do? I would never reach my friends alive. I had no choice but to leave them.

My tears fell and mixed with the sparkling water. I didn’t know where to go after that. I was left feeling empty inside. I had nothing. No where to go, nothing to do. I just wandered around and around endlessly. Eating when I could, holding my stomach in hunger when I couldn’t.

One fateful day I found a place in the forest I had never been before. It had a sign. A sign saying just what I needed to hear. Here Be Faeries. Maybe I could make a home here. But just then a tiny blue winged faerie fluttered in front of me. I recognized her immediately. It was the faerie from the mirror.

“Who are you and why did you help me?” I asked softly, as if I spoke to loud she might run away.

You know who I am.” She whispered and then flew away off into the tree.

“No come back, please help me!” I yelled after her.

“You don’t need me. Remember this: She needed a hero so that’s what she became.”

I yelled at her with all my anger to come back, but she didn’t come back. Once again I was alone in the world.

And that’s as far as I’ve written in the story of my life. The rest is too painful to even put into words. Slowly I climb onto my dragon friends back and we take flight. Flying to where I now call home. There I can relax and be myself. I can forget about the box of bad memories, and stop reliving the past. I can just stare at the bottles filled with colorful sand for hour and hours and let my worries escape me. I’ve collected the sand from every place of visited. Forty bottles in total. But the one I love and cherish the most is the least colorful one. The one filled with boring beachy sand. The one from earth. I hug it close to me every night before I go to sleep and sometimes I can imagine that I’m back home in my own room, in my own house, with all my sibling close by. Sometimes I just feel the cool  heavy glass pressed against my skin, like the weight of reality pulling me down.


Gaaaahhh! XD I can’t believe I used that many prompts. I kind of traded quality for quantity though, it’s not my best piece of writing. :/  Oh well. 🙂


Random Photography

Hi. In this post I just have a bunch of random photography that I’ve taken on many different occasions.


This photo ^^^. Is just an edited version of the one below.



I was also working on ATC’s with water colour and the water turned such a lovely colour that I had to take a picture.


We have some baby chickens at our farm now.


It’s hard to get a decent picture because they move so fast. XD




Have a lovely evening.


The Great Doll Blog Award

Hi I was nominated by Shannon and Miri  (Thanks so much by the way 🙂 )great-doll-blog-award

First I will do Miri’s questions:

What was a name you have considered naming a doll, but have not used?

I was going to name Hazel, Nina, or Danielle, and I was either going to name Bella, Sam, Rebecca, or Sophie.

How did you find out about dolls?

I’m assuming you mean like American Girl dolls? I first found out about them because I got an 18″ doll that wasn’t AG and then I think I remembered hearing about them from somewhere and then going on the website and just being like: I want that, oh and that, and definitely that. XD

What was your first memory with your doll?

With my first AG doll (Jordan) was seeing the doll shaped box on my birthday morning and opening it last because I wanted to save the moment :). And then after getting her out of the box, having great difficulty with getting the boots off and then finally realizing they had velcro on the back. XD

What doll have you regretted not getting, and why?

Ooooo. That’s tough. I’m going to generalize with this and say any Historical/Beforever character. I always wish I got at least one of them.

Do you save your old catalogs, or throw them away?

I save them I usually make crafts with them, and I like to look back and all the older items.

And then Shannon’s:

Which doll is your favorite from your collection?

Gahhh the dreaded question for every doll collector. How could I choose? 😉

When/why did you start your blog?

I started it last November.

What will your dolls do over the summer?

Well I’m planning on making swimsuits for them out of my old bathing suits so you can probably expect to see lots of beach themed photoshoots/stories.

What is your favorite doll accessory?

Ummm, probably my doll fedora. It’s just so mini and cute  😛

What is your doll’s favorite outfit and where is it from?

I really like The Weekend Fun Outfit from AG (it’s retired now).


Here are the rules,

Award Rules:

  • Thank the person that nominated you.
  • Answer the questions given to you.
  • Nominate at least 5 others who you think have a great doll blog.
  • Notify them that they have an award.
  • Leave them at least 5 questions to answer.

My questions:

  1. How could you describe your first dolls personality in one word?
  2. Do you like photo shoots or photo stories better?
  3. What is your current favorite Beforever character?
  4. If you could have one doll furniture item for free what would it be?
  5. What would you create for your dolls room if you had all the supplies you needed?

And now I nominate…. *drum roll*

AG Dolls and Fun

The Happiness Jar

Sew Adollable

Dolltastically Fun

Hello Dollie Blog




I don’t belong here. That’s what my grandmother told me when my father died. His grave was an unfriendly hard slab of rock, his name was not even carved in the stone. All it said was: Here lies a man who was not of this earth. I never understood why it said that. It kept up late at night wondering why anyone would want that on their grave. But my father insisted before he died that that would be what it said and nobody says no to adying mans wish. So my father lies six feet under with a heavy and confusing stone directly above his head.

My grandmother explained things very simply to me three months later.

“You see Abigal. The truth is on the stone. You, your father, and I are not from this earth.” I just watched and listened as she leaned over the edge of the roof and inhaled deeply. The air was more fresh up here, the moon and the stars seemed brighter, and she felt free.

“Let me show you something.” I followed her back down the staircase to our roof. My grandmother had a strict no questions asked policy so I remained silent as we entered her bedroom. On the wall were heavy looking glass bottles filled with different colored sands. I stared in awe, but as I looked closer I saw the contents of the bottle shift ever so slightly. I couldn’t help myself and questioned her quietly,

“What are they?”

She look ed at me sternly but answered “Entrances to other worlds. I’ve collected them over the years. This one,” She said as she picked up a glass jar filled with green sand.

“is where we are from. Your father was not allowed back and I wouldn’t leave him in this retched world, but now that he is… gone, we can go back and live a normal life.”

A normal life? How is any of this normal I asked myself. I peered at my grandmother. She had a crazed look on her face. I didn’t want to leave earth and so that night I crept into my grandmothers room and grasped the small jar in my hands. We were going to make our escape tomorrow morning. But I would never leave. I took the jar and ran away into the street, but my foot caught and suddenly in slow motion I fell with the jar in my hands and watched it shatter all around me. The sand flew up in billows and engulfed me and suddenly I wasn’t in my quiet neighborhood street anymore. I was lying on the ground in a forest. Alone.

I looked at a tree nearby and scratched on the bark was a bone chilling message.

Not all haunted places are houses.

I screamed. But I was far far away from anything I had every know.

“Here lies a girl who was not from this world.”  I whisper.



Thanks for reading 😀




Hi! I injured my finger so if there’s any grammar mistakes I blame it on typing with one hand 🙂 .

Her bow was loaded, her mind racing. Moving in broad daylight, her stupidest idea yet. But she pressed on. This was what she had trained for.


Just the day before a girl around the same age was out in the dead of night. In hiding also. They told her not to play with fire, but she did.She was mystified by the enchanting flames. She would dance around while the rest of her village slept. :  They told her to let others rescue her when she needed help. But she needed a hero, so that’s what she became.  :

The two girls paths were destined to cross very soon. The girl of day and the girl of night.

The girl of day with her bow in hand was ready to get back the box that was stolen from her  father long ago. It held scraps and pieces of the past that her family would rather forget and it sat buried in the middle of the village. The only one who knew it was her family, but if anyone ever found it and opened it a giant scandal of their family would erupt. So she was sent to retrieve the box and then burn it.

She had made it past the guards that surrounded and protected the community and all was silent inside. She made her way to the center, stowed her bow and began to dig. Bit by bit she uncovered the soil. Until finally she struck a soft object in the dirt. A box labeled BAD MEMORIES DO NOT OPEN.Writing prompt:

Naturally she opened it out of curiosity, even though she had gotten strict orders to burn it right away. But she couldn’t help herself. She leafed through the old documents one by one, while tiny tears rolled down her cheek. Slamming the box shut she grabbed her matches and made her way back to the path which she had come. Then she waited for the sun to set.

The girl of night was also waiting for the sun to set. Back in her quiet home in the village she sat and watched. Finally after what seemed an eternity the sun plunked out of sight. So the girl crept out of bed to her favorite place to dance with the flames. But on her way she noticed another fire off in the distance. She could almost hear the sound of someone weeping. She moved closer and closer until finally the back of the person with the fire was in view.

The girl of day turned around and was shocked to see a small girl staring back at her.

The other girl gasped “Who are you?”

“You know who I am.” The girl of day stated and lifted off her hood.


“You’re the princess.” She answered breathlessly.


Suddenly more noises came from the bush and a guard appeared his eyes widening when he realized what he’d seen. She called out his name in the silence. Like he’d actually hear, like he’d actually care.  : He ran back to the village to alert the others. When the girl of night looked back all she saw was darkness. The fire was gone and so was the princess.



EAH Dresses

Hi! I made some dresses recently out of old shirt sleeves for my Ever After High dolls.

Poppy O’hair is our model for the first dress which is my personal favorite.



I really like how the back of the dress turned out. This was actually a complete accident.
Next we have Cedar Wood with the second dress.


I love to make no sew dresses for my dolls. Sometimes they are disasters and sometimes on a rare occasion they turn out alright like theses ones 🙂 .

Which dress was your favorite?




 :  :




 : .:

The worlds not safe anymore. Scratched into our once friendly front door. It use to have a welcome mat. Now it has and unforgettable message. My mother wrote that. Just before her and my father went out to look for our sister. The one who ran away. She had always been different from the rest of us. She didn’t care that the world was ending outside the safe walls of our home. She wanted to be outside, fighting, and helping the people who couldn’t help themselves. My parents explained to her that there was know way to help. That it was over. She was older than us so my parents told her the truth bluntly. The world was ending. But we listened and eavesdropped and heard the worst. She ran out the next morning and all we could do was watch her run along the stone path her hair flying in her face. She needed a hero so that’s what she became.

My parents packed supplies and then went out after her. But just before my mother left she implanted the message in the door to remind us. She said she would be back soon. That she would be home with Max, our sister. But as we watched from the window we saw them running and then suddenly they fell to the ground broken glass all around their motionless bodies. I shut the blind. They weren’t coming back. No one ever comes back if they stray past the border. What lies beyond the border of these walls is unknown to us. My sisters and I still had food to feed us for years to come down in the basement. I knew though, it wouldn’t be enough. We started eating less and less. Our days seemed to last eternities inside that house. We would sit on the staircase and just watch the door. Fear and boredom together in a dangerous mix. Some nights we would just cry together. Cry for what we’ve lost.

One fateful night that I will never forget came quickly after our parents were gone. A small dirty note slipped under our door. All it said was:

It is cunning, it is brave, it is brutal, it is relentless and it is hunting us.

I wrapped my sisters in my arms. Whoever it was from was out there. Beyond the border and somehow still living. We needed to know the truth. We were told never open the curtains all the way. But desperate times had blurred our sense of obedience. My youngest sister wrote on the back of the note: Who is hunting us? Who are you?

She slipped it under the door and we sat and watched out the window to see if the stranger who left the note would come back. We waited and waited until it was late at night. Barely able to see out the front window I looked for something, anything that could be human. My sisters were both asleep beside me, unable to stay up any longer. But I was still wide awake. I needed to know what was out there. And then a few minutes after the clock chimed midnight. I saw the faint outline of a figure creeping up our front steps. I shut the curtain and quickly woke up my sisters. We raced to the door, as quite as mice and soundlessly undid all the latches on the door one by one. Our hands were nimble and we finished quickly, but by the time we ripped open the door a bone chilling breeze swept into the house. My teeth rattled. We watched as the small figure ran off past the border and disappeared. My sister called out them in the silence like they would actually hear, like they would actually care.

A note flew past my ear and I caught it as it began its descend to the ground. It read: The Gators. Th Gators are hunting us. I grabbed my sisters back and shut the door as quickly as I could. Latching and re-shutting all the bolts. The worlds not safe anymore. Now I know why.


Ok I had no idea what to call whatever was hunting them so I just thought of a random word. XD Which just happened to be Gators which does not have any association with alligators in case you were wondering. XD Anyway I hope you enjoyed. 🙂 Have a great day. 🙂
